Q2 Thao Dien
Location : 21 Vo Truong Toan, Thao Dien Ward, District 2, HCMC
Impressive home - impressive life in Q2 Thao Dien apartment
Price : 900 USD / Month
Note: The above price is subject to change by landlord without prior notice. Price and availability have to checked at the time or enquiry. Description
In this overcrowded world, not many people can afford to pursue their own personal happiness. Many people find it necessary to prioritize family and work. Yet, there will always be a part of them that will feel the urge to escape and settle in the privacy of their own home.
People who want to rent an apartment should not compromise with just anything. Renting a home is a long-term investment for life so it must be done wisely and well. It is necessary to think about what you need from now until the time you retire.
With apartments in Q2 Thao Dien, people get access to picturesque landscapes and serene environment amidst modern architecture. Similar Listings
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